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about iyuraa

IYURAA Phytoscience represents the amalgamation between Ayurveda known as the ‘Science of Life,’ and natural phyto-compounds derived from plants due to their therapeutic potential for the prevention and management of various health issues.  IYURAA Phytoscience is founded by professionals with decades of experience in diverse sectors such as Ayurveda, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare & Oil industry. With deep faith and a keen interest in Ayurveda and alternate remedies, the primary goal of IYURAA Phytoscience is to bring authentic ayurvedic products to consumers. The age-old traditional knowledge of herbs is combined with modern processes to produce efficacious therapeutic products while retaining the natural goodness. With deep faith and keen interest in ayurveda and alternative remedies, the sole mission of IYURAA Phytoscience is to bring authentic ayurvedic products to consumers. Products which can win the trust of consumers on the basis of their efficacy & quality.

In this quest, the company is proud to be associated and guided by the rich experience of Ayurveda practicing doctors as well as professionals from the Ayurvedic industry. Their in-depth knowledge has played a vital role in finalizing the best ayurvedic ingredients for our products, apart from their role in Quality Control, Research & Development. We hope you will benefit from our mission of gifting you the best of the mother nature.

Thank You  Iyuraa Phytosicence

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